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About Dr. Ansary

Dr. Nadia Ansary is a professor and department chairperson of the Department of Psychology at Rider University. She received her PhD in developmental psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University in 2006. Her research interests surround the complex issues of bias, and bullying/cyberbullying prevention and intervention.  She is also a specialist in Islamophobia, bullying of religious minorities, and Muslim American and Arab American mental health.


Dr. Ansary is dedicated to conducting rigorous research that leads to evidence-based recommendations for change.  She is experienced in designing assessments and analyzing large longitudinal datasets.  Her data analytic expertise along with her scholarship on bias-based bullying in schools position her to analyze the effectiveness of anti-bias trainings and provide evidence-based recommendations.  Dr. Ansary is widely published, has numerous conference presentations, and has given a variety of talks on the issue to myriad organizations including state entities, private business, and non-profits.


Dr. Ansary lives in New Jersey with her husband and two children.

Video Viewing Time Spots We Recommend:

  • 1:42 - 2:08 Definition of bullying

  • 2:30 - 3:00 Religious based bullying rates

  • 3:56 - 4:51 Recommendations for educators

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